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Author Reading Event

Primarily a poet, David Rogers’ first publication was second place in the Heroes’ Voices Poetry
Contest. Further poetry appeared in Metonym Journal, Voices De La Luna, and a few other places. His first book, Peaceful Meridian, was a memoir of his time in the anti-war movement of the 2010s. He lives in Northglenn, CO.

Book Description of The Lay-Off House (from the back cover):

Losing a job is never fun.

Doug knew this from three previous lay-offs and now it was the familiar disaster of number four. He did what he always did when the pink slip was handed to him; he went home, he drank, and he brooded alone. But this time, acquaintances and strangers come to Doug’s door, seeking shelter from the same economic calamity. Together they make a community, a home, and a way out of the rat-race. But there are those in the wider world, some close and some far, who don’t think there should be an escape and that the rat-race is all there is and ever will be.

A story about the challenge of making one’s own life in a society that tries to say ‘no’, The Lay-off House portrays how many of us live now, in the real economy, and suggests a way to try and live a little better.


Feathered Quill: “I wholeheartedly recommend The Lay-Off House for anyone who loves a good story that makes you think.”

Literary Titan (December 2022 Silver Award Winner):

“This novel is a quick and easy read that can be enjoyed in an afternoon and provide readers a look at society as they find the good left in the world together.”

Kirkus Reviews: “A sly, endearing group portrait of a family forged by necessity.”

September 30

Poker Saturday

October 5